Coming soon...


With Pete Bampton
Are you ready for a Leap in the Liberation and Realisation of both the Spiritual Being that you always already ARE and the passionate, integrated man that you long to become?

Are you ready to embark on a journey of Initiation into an authentic Awakened and Integrated Manhood with a committed band of brothers?

This online interactive course will be a distillation of my most important and transformative learnings through being involved in men's groups for over 30 years both as a participant and as a leader and mentor.

Fire Heart of Man Course Content...
  • Discover deep peace and unbroken trust in yourself and in life itself
  • Observe, understand and transcend your fears
  • Break free of addictions and compulsive behaviours
  • Illuminate your shadow to feel, heal and transcend trauma and pain
  • Transmute your anger into Sacred Fire
  • Uproot and let go of all guilt and shame
  • Grow beyond childish and adolescent patterning
  • Discover your worldly and Transcendental Purpose
  • Transmute lust into limitless Devotional Love
  • Master your ejaculation & the essence of Sexual Yoga
  • Awaken the Heart Warrior with Discipline, Courage and Grit
  • Taste the Intimacy & Power of True Spiritual Brotherhood
Meet Your Mentor...
Founder & Leader of the Men's Collective since 2009
Pete Bampton

Pete has been deeply involved with men's work for over 30 years both as a student and a mentor. In 2009 he founded the Men's Collective in Portugal with a small pilot group that grew to 40 committed men. Drawing on four decades of dedicated meditation practice, penetrating inquiry and innovative, trailblazing spiritual community, Pete forged the Men's Collective into a vibrant, transformational engine as a creative integration of the timeless revelation of the Spiritual Heart - Waking Up - and the developmental process - Growing Up.

As well as guiding the Men's Collective in Portugal Pete leads retreats and courses that catalyse Awakening to the radical immediacy of the Spiritual Heart and facilitate the transformational task of embodying that Realisation in everyday life. You can find out more about his upcoming retreats/events HERE.

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