Fire Heart
Men's Collective
What is an authentic expression of an Integrated and Awakened Manhood in the 21st century?

What are the untapped potentials that can be catalysed through a true Spiritual Brotherhood devoted to individual and collective transformation?

Discover a full-spectrum transformational journey of Waking Up to the Revelation of your Essential Freedom, Growing Up through the stages of Evolutionary Development, and Showing Up as a Heart-Warrior in these tipping point times...

Testimonies of Transformation
Jos Dohmen, UK

"Looking back to when I joined the Men Collective in 2019, there is gratitude and a big smile on my face, experiencing joy and happiness."
Larry Michaels, UK

My heart has been blown open by the love and intimacy we all share together and the immense collective exploration into what it means to live as awakened beings...
Joao Pedrosa, Portugal

"Destroying the cloaks of false identities that we have used to mask ourselves is very painful but remarkably liberating..."
Interviews & Dialogues
Explorations on the theme of Men's Liberation and Development.

In this video Peter and Charles Eisenstein explore the way forward for men in our time specifically focusing on what is required for growth beyond childish and adolescent "boyhood" into an authentic "sacred masculine".

For more content click here.
Images from Retreats and Meetings in various locations in Portugal
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